Метаданные ресурса №13273
Геоинформационные системы (Geographic information systems)
Авторы: Медведева М.А.
Статус: Авторская редакция
Тип: Ссылка
Создан: 06.08.2015
Geographical sciences, that studying space distribution of signs and their correlation on complexity of studied systems occupy one of leading places. Modern simulation of geographical reality requires specific information support, capable adequately reflect territorial structure of studied systems, placement, mutually situation and spatial combination of modelled elements of this reality and their variability in time. Geographic information system (GIS) provides tool kit for operation with such bound information specific spatially. Geographic information system in a broad sense is system of collection, storage, analysis and submission of geographical data. GIS includes bases of geodata with their management systems (DBMS), instruments of processing and analysis of geodata and software for visualization of primary geoinformation and results of its processing and analysis.